Here are some pictures of the observatory
and some our events.
Click on the pictures to enlarge.
One of the largest observatories in QLD.
Plenty of room for up to 20 people at one time.
To view inside displays, this includes our massive 61cm (24 inch) telescope and our control center for our upcoming radio telescope.
Mobile displays are our specialty.
We carry up to 6 telescopes,
5 giant projection screens, projectors and a surround sound system.
One of the many telescopes equipped for viewing the sun.
A large hands on display which describes the properties of light and telescopes.
Visitors are encouraged to participate.
Our outside displays are second to none with 2 viewing areas with trained operators to show you the wonders of the night sky.
We can handle over 150 people at one time,
with up to 12 telescopes operational.
(depending on group size)
Ever held a piece of outer space?
You can with us!
We have a large collection of meteorites, including pieces of the moon, mars and mercury and even a diamond from outer space that you can hold.
3 of up to 7 giant projection screen that we use indoors, to give you the “WOW” factor!
This display includes a 6 channel surround sound system.
(System is depending on group and room size)
We use a wide range of telescopes to help you understand how they work.
Just 3 in our collection of telescopes that are also used for viewing.
Part of our massive mobile poster collection, describing the wonders of the universe.